Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Configuration validation resulted in error(s)


"Configuration validation resulted in error(s)"

"Configuration of MergedProduct is incomplete. Please select all required options".

From the debug file following are the errors:EXITING OE_CONFIG_UTIL.SEND_INPUT_XMLAFTER CALLING SEND_INPUT_XML: SCALLING PARSE_OUTPUT_XMLENTERING OE_CONGIG_UTIL.PARSE_OUTPUT_XMLL_EXIT: ERRORGG3: INVALID FORMAT IN PROFILE OPTION SETTING: YES. THE CORRECT FORMAT ISPACKAGENAME.PROCEDURENAME.SPC RETURNED MESSAGE_TEXT: INVALID FORMAT IN PROFILE OPTION SETTING: YES. THE CORRECT FORMAT ISPACKAGENAME.PROCEDURENAME.SPC RETURNED MESSAGE_TYPE: ERRORCONFIG_HEADER_ID AS:CONFIG_REV_NBR AS:GETTING MESSAGES FROM CZ_CONFIG_MESSAGESEntering Message_From_CzSPC RETURNED ERROR , FAIL TRANSACTIONENTERING DELETE_CONFIG IN OE_CONFIG_PVTNOTE : NULL CONFIG_HEADER_ID/CONFIG_REV_NBR PASSEDLEAVING DELETE_CONFIG IN OE_CONFIG_PVTSPC EXIT TAG IS ERRORAFTER CALLING PARSE_XML: EECXEPTION IN CONFIGURATOR_VALIDATIONUser-Defined ExceptionRETURN STATUS AFTER VALIDATE CFGS:EEXP. ERROR IN OE_ORDER_BOOK.BOOK_ORDERIn WF save messagesENTER Save_API_MessagesL_MSG_DATA=Configuration validation resulted in error(s).L_MSG_DATA=Configuration of BOM Ball is incomplete. Please select all required options.EXIT Save_API_Messages------------------------------------------------------------------If no configrator button clicked and created order for same model it works.Also this works if order created in OM.Compared order with BOM - Model don't see any difference.You compared order and lines for both the orders the one work( without configurator)and the one doesn't works and don't see any difference.
CauseCZ: Skip Validation Procedure is set incorrectly and that caused issue.The error in the debug file is-------------------------------------------------------INVALID FORMAT IN PROFILE OPTION SETTING: YES. THE CORRECT FORMAT ISPACKAGENAME.PROCEDURENAME.SPC RETURNED MESSAGE_TEXT: INVALID FORMAT IN PROFILE OPTION SETTING: YES.THE CORRECT FORMAT ISPACKAGENAME.PROCEDURENAME.----------------------------------------------------------Which is due to wrong package for validation. If it's set to null it validates using defaultvalidation code..


The error is because you have the profile option, CZ: Skip Validation Procedure set incorrectly. If you want to use this feature, it is necessary to read the documentation, Oracle Configuration Implementation Guide - 11.5 Skipping Batch Validation and code the custom package with the procedure and set the value to PACKAGENAME.PROCEDURENAME. If you don't want to use this feature, please change the profile option to the default value( which is no value). You should NOT provide ANY value. This is not a 'yes' or 'no' profile (nor True or False). This profile is looking for a Procedure and assumes that anything entered is a procedure name.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

OM Frequently Asked Questions:
What are the Base Tables and Interface Tables for Order Management?
What is Order Import and What are the Setup's involved in Order Import?
What are different Order Types?
Explain the Order Cycle?
Explain the Order to Cash Flow?
What are the Process Constraints?
What are validation templates?
What are different types of holds?
What is Document Sequence?
What are Defaulting Rules?
When an order cannot be cancelled?
When an order cannot be deleted?
What is order type?
What are primary and secondary price lists?
What is pick slip? Types?
What is packing slip?
What are picking rules?
Where do you find the order status column?
When the order import program is run it validates and the errors occurred can be seen in?
What is a Pick Slip Report?
Name some tables in shipping/order/move order/inventory?
How is move order generated?
What is the difference between purchase order (PO) and sales order?
What is ONT stands for?
What are the required fields when entering an order in the Order Entry Screen?
When you run the Auto Invoice, where does it get the order details from ?
What is drop ship in OM?
What does Back ordered mean in OM?
What is Advanced Shipping Notice?
OM General Information
1) What are the Base Tables and Interface Tables for Order Management?Interface Tables : OE_HEADERS_IFACE_ALL, OE_LINES_IFACE_ALLOE_PRICE_ADJS_IFACE_ALL, OE_ACTIONS_IFACE_ALLOE_CREDITS_IFACE_ALL (Order holds like credit check holds etc)Base Tables : OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL: Order Header InformationOE_ORDER_LINES_ALL: Items InformationOE_PRICE_ADJUSTMENTS: Discounts InformationOE_SALES_CREDITS: Sales Representative Credits.Shipping Tables :WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES, WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS, WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS, WSH_DELIVERIES.
2) What are the Base Tables and Interface Tables for Order Management?Interface Tables : OE_HEADERS_IFACE_ALL, OE_LINES_IFACE_ALLOE_PRICE_ADJS_IFACE_ALL, OE_ACTIONS_IFACE_ALLOE_CREDITS_IFACE_ALL (Order holds like credit check holds etc)Base Tables : OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL: Order Header InformationOE_ORDER_LINES_ALL: Items InformationOE_PRICE_ADJUSTMENTS: Discounts InformationOE_SALES_CREDITS: Sales Representative Credits.Shipping Tables :WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES, WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS, WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS, WSH_DELIVERIES.
3) What is Order Import and What are the Setup's involved in Order Import?A) Order Import is an open interface that consists of open interface tables and a set of API’s. It imports New, updated, or changed sales orders from other applications such as Legacy systems. Order Import features include validations, Defaulting, Processing Constraints checks, Applying and releasing of order holds, scheduling of shipments, then ultimately inserting, updating or deleting orders from the OM base tables. Order management checks all the data during the import process to ensure its validity with OM. Valid Transactions are then converted into orders with lines, reservations ,price adjustments, and sales credits in the OM base tables.B) Setups:· Setup every aspect of order management that we want to use with imported orders, including customers, pricing, items, and bills.· Define and enable the order import sources using the order import source window.
4) Explain the Order Cycle?i) Enter the Sales Orderii) Book the Sales Order(SO will not be processed until booked(Inventory confirmation))iii) Release sales order(Pickslip Report is generated and Deliveries are created)(Deliveries – details about the delivery. Belongs to shipping module (wsh_deliveries, wsh_new_deliveries, wsh_delivery_assignments etc) they explain how many items are being shipped and such details.iv) Transaction Move Order (creates reservations determines the source and transfers the inventory into the staging areas)v) Launch Pick Release (vi) Ship Confirm (Shipping Documents(Pickslip report, Performa Invoice, Shipping Lables))vii) Auto invoice and closed
5) Explain the Order to Cash Flow?I. Enter the Sales OrderII. Book the Sales Order(SO will not be processed until booked(Inventory confirmation))III. Release sales order(Pickslip Report is generated and Deliveries are created)(Deliveries – details about the delivery. Belongs to shipping module (wsh_deliveries, wsh_new_deliveries, wsh_delivery_assignments etc) they explain how many items are being shipped and such details.IV. Transaction Move Order (Selects the serial number of the product which has to be moved/ shipped)V. Launch Pick ReleaseVI. Ship Confirm (Shipping Documents(Pickslip report, Performa Invoice, Shipping Lables))VII. AutoInvoice (Creation of Invoice in Accounts Receivable Module)VIII.Autolockbox ( Appling Receipts to Invoices In AR)IX. Transfer to General Ledger ( Populates GL interface tables)X. Journal Import ( Populates GL base tables)XI. Posting ( Account Balances Updated).
5. What are the Process Constraints?A. Process Constraints prevent users from adding updating, deleting, splitting lines and canceling order or return information beyond certain points in the order cycle. Oracle has provided certain process constraints which prevent data integrity violations.Process constraints are defined for entities and attributes. Entities include regions on the sales order window such as order, line, order price adjustments, line price adjustments, order sales credits and line sales credits. Attributes include individual fields (of a particular entity) such as warehouse, shit to location, or agreement.
6. What are Validation Templates? A) Validation Templates are used to define the validation conditions in process constraints. A validation template names a conditions and defines the semantic of how to validate that condition. These are used in processing constraints framework to specify the constraining conditions for a given constraint. These conditions are based on1 Where the entity is in its work flow.2 The state of attributes on an entity.3 Any other validation condition that cannot be modeled using the above condition.
7. What are different types of Holds?1 GSA(General Services Administration) Violation Hold(Ensures that specific customers always get better pricing for example Govt. Customers)2 Credit Checking Hold( Used for credit checking feature Ex: Credit Limit)3 Configurator Validation Hold ( Cause: If we invalidate a configuration after booking)
8. What is Document Sequence?A) Document sequence is defined to automatically generate numbers for your orders or returns as you enter them. Single / multiple document sequences can be defined for different order types.Document sequences can be defined as three types Automatic (Does not ensure that the numbers are contiguous), Gapless (Ensures that the numbering is contiguous), Manual Numbering. Order Management validates that the number specified is unique for order type.
9. What are Defaulting Rules?A) A defaulting rule is a value that OM automatically places in an order field of the sales order window. Defaulting rules reduce the amount of information one must enter. A defaulting rule is a collection of defaulting sources for objects and their attributes.It involves the following steps1 Defaulting Conditions - Conditions for Defaulting2 Sequence – Priority for search3 Source – Entity ,Attribute, Value4 Defaulting source/Value
10. When an order cannot be cancelled?A) An order cannot be cancelled if,1 It has been closed2 It has already been cancelled3 A work order is open for an ATO line4 Any part of the line has been shipped or invoiced5 Any return line has been returned or credited.
11. When an order cannot be deleted?A) you cannot delete an order line until there is a need for recording reason.
12. What is order type?A) An order type is the classification of order. It controls the order work flow activity, order number sequence, credit check point and transaction type. Order Type is associated to a work flow process which drives the processing of the order.
13. What are primary and secondary price lists?A) Every order is associated to a price list as each item on the order ought to have a price. A price list is contains basic list information and one or more pricing lines, pricing attributes, qualifiers, and secondary price lists. The price list that is primarily associated to an order is termed as Primary price list.The pricing engine uses a Secondary Price list if it cannot determine the price of the item ordered in the Primary price list.
14. What is pick slip? Types?A) It is an internal shipping document that pickers use to locate items to ship for an order.1 Standard Pick Slip – Each order will have its own pick slip with in each picking batch.2 Consolidated Pickslip – Pick slip will have all the orders released in the each picking batch.
15. What is packing slip?A) It is an external shipping document that accompanies the shipment itemizing the contents of the shipment.
16. What are picking rules?A) Picking rules define the sources and prioritization of sub inventories, lots, revisions and locators when the item is pick released by order management. They are user defined set of rules to define the priorities order management must use when picking items from finished goods inventory to ship to a customer.
17. Where do you find the order status column?A) In the base tables, Order Status is maintained both at the header and line level. The field that maintains the Order status is FLOW_STATUS_CODE. This field is available in both the OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL and OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL.
18. When the order import program is run it validates and the errors occurred can be seen in?A) Responsibility: Order Management Super UserNavigation: Order, Returns > Import Orders > Corrections