Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Configuration validation resulted in error(s)


"Configuration validation resulted in error(s)"

"Configuration of MergedProduct is incomplete. Please select all required options".

From the debug file following are the errors:EXITING OE_CONFIG_UTIL.SEND_INPUT_XMLAFTER CALLING SEND_INPUT_XML: SCALLING PARSE_OUTPUT_XMLENTERING OE_CONGIG_UTIL.PARSE_OUTPUT_XMLL_EXIT: ERRORGG3: INVALID FORMAT IN PROFILE OPTION SETTING: YES. THE CORRECT FORMAT ISPACKAGENAME.PROCEDURENAME.SPC RETURNED MESSAGE_TEXT: INVALID FORMAT IN PROFILE OPTION SETTING: YES. THE CORRECT FORMAT ISPACKAGENAME.PROCEDURENAME.SPC RETURNED MESSAGE_TYPE: ERRORCONFIG_HEADER_ID AS:CONFIG_REV_NBR AS:GETTING MESSAGES FROM CZ_CONFIG_MESSAGESEntering Message_From_CzSPC RETURNED ERROR , FAIL TRANSACTIONENTERING DELETE_CONFIG IN OE_CONFIG_PVTNOTE : NULL CONFIG_HEADER_ID/CONFIG_REV_NBR PASSEDLEAVING DELETE_CONFIG IN OE_CONFIG_PVTSPC EXIT TAG IS ERRORAFTER CALLING PARSE_XML: EECXEPTION IN CONFIGURATOR_VALIDATIONUser-Defined ExceptionRETURN STATUS AFTER VALIDATE CFGS:EEXP. ERROR IN OE_ORDER_BOOK.BOOK_ORDERIn WF save messagesENTER Save_API_MessagesL_MSG_DATA=Configuration validation resulted in error(s).L_MSG_DATA=Configuration of BOM Ball is incomplete. Please select all required options.EXIT Save_API_Messages------------------------------------------------------------------If no configrator button clicked and created order for same model it works.Also this works if order created in OM.Compared order with BOM - Model don't see any difference.You compared order and lines for both the orders the one work( without configurator)and the one doesn't works and don't see any difference.
CauseCZ: Skip Validation Procedure is set incorrectly and that caused issue.The error in the debug file is-------------------------------------------------------INVALID FORMAT IN PROFILE OPTION SETTING: YES. THE CORRECT FORMAT ISPACKAGENAME.PROCEDURENAME.SPC RETURNED MESSAGE_TEXT: INVALID FORMAT IN PROFILE OPTION SETTING: YES.THE CORRECT FORMAT ISPACKAGENAME.PROCEDURENAME.----------------------------------------------------------Which is due to wrong package for validation. If it's set to null it validates using defaultvalidation code..


The error is because you have the profile option, CZ: Skip Validation Procedure set incorrectly. If you want to use this feature, it is necessary to read the documentation, Oracle Configuration Implementation Guide - 11.5 Skipping Batch Validation and code the custom package with the procedure and set the value to PACKAGENAME.PROCEDURENAME. If you don't want to use this feature, please change the profile option to the default value( which is no value). You should NOT provide ANY value. This is not a 'yes' or 'no' profile (nor True or False). This profile is looking for a Procedure and assumes that anything entered is a procedure name.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

OM Frequently Asked Questions:
What are the Base Tables and Interface Tables for Order Management?
What is Order Import and What are the Setup's involved in Order Import?
What are different Order Types?
Explain the Order Cycle?
Explain the Order to Cash Flow?
What are the Process Constraints?
What are validation templates?
What are different types of holds?
What is Document Sequence?
What are Defaulting Rules?
When an order cannot be cancelled?
When an order cannot be deleted?
What is order type?
What are primary and secondary price lists?
What is pick slip? Types?
What is packing slip?
What are picking rules?
Where do you find the order status column?
When the order import program is run it validates and the errors occurred can be seen in?
What is a Pick Slip Report?
Name some tables in shipping/order/move order/inventory?
How is move order generated?
What is the difference between purchase order (PO) and sales order?
What is ONT stands for?
What are the required fields when entering an order in the Order Entry Screen?
When you run the Auto Invoice, where does it get the order details from ?
What is drop ship in OM?
What does Back ordered mean in OM?
What is Advanced Shipping Notice?
OM General Information
1) What are the Base Tables and Interface Tables for Order Management?Interface Tables : OE_HEADERS_IFACE_ALL, OE_LINES_IFACE_ALLOE_PRICE_ADJS_IFACE_ALL, OE_ACTIONS_IFACE_ALLOE_CREDITS_IFACE_ALL (Order holds like credit check holds etc)Base Tables : OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL: Order Header InformationOE_ORDER_LINES_ALL: Items InformationOE_PRICE_ADJUSTMENTS: Discounts InformationOE_SALES_CREDITS: Sales Representative Credits.Shipping Tables :WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES, WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS, WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS, WSH_DELIVERIES.
2) What are the Base Tables and Interface Tables for Order Management?Interface Tables : OE_HEADERS_IFACE_ALL, OE_LINES_IFACE_ALLOE_PRICE_ADJS_IFACE_ALL, OE_ACTIONS_IFACE_ALLOE_CREDITS_IFACE_ALL (Order holds like credit check holds etc)Base Tables : OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL: Order Header InformationOE_ORDER_LINES_ALL: Items InformationOE_PRICE_ADJUSTMENTS: Discounts InformationOE_SALES_CREDITS: Sales Representative Credits.Shipping Tables :WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES, WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS, WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS, WSH_DELIVERIES.
3) What is Order Import and What are the Setup's involved in Order Import?A) Order Import is an open interface that consists of open interface tables and a set of API’s. It imports New, updated, or changed sales orders from other applications such as Legacy systems. Order Import features include validations, Defaulting, Processing Constraints checks, Applying and releasing of order holds, scheduling of shipments, then ultimately inserting, updating or deleting orders from the OM base tables. Order management checks all the data during the import process to ensure its validity with OM. Valid Transactions are then converted into orders with lines, reservations ,price adjustments, and sales credits in the OM base tables.B) Setups:· Setup every aspect of order management that we want to use with imported orders, including customers, pricing, items, and bills.· Define and enable the order import sources using the order import source window.
4) Explain the Order Cycle?i) Enter the Sales Orderii) Book the Sales Order(SO will not be processed until booked(Inventory confirmation))iii) Release sales order(Pickslip Report is generated and Deliveries are created)(Deliveries – details about the delivery. Belongs to shipping module (wsh_deliveries, wsh_new_deliveries, wsh_delivery_assignments etc) they explain how many items are being shipped and such details.iv) Transaction Move Order (creates reservations determines the source and transfers the inventory into the staging areas)v) Launch Pick Release (vi) Ship Confirm (Shipping Documents(Pickslip report, Performa Invoice, Shipping Lables))vii) Auto invoice and closed
5) Explain the Order to Cash Flow?I. Enter the Sales OrderII. Book the Sales Order(SO will not be processed until booked(Inventory confirmation))III. Release sales order(Pickslip Report is generated and Deliveries are created)(Deliveries – details about the delivery. Belongs to shipping module (wsh_deliveries, wsh_new_deliveries, wsh_delivery_assignments etc) they explain how many items are being shipped and such details.IV. Transaction Move Order (Selects the serial number of the product which has to be moved/ shipped)V. Launch Pick ReleaseVI. Ship Confirm (Shipping Documents(Pickslip report, Performa Invoice, Shipping Lables))VII. AutoInvoice (Creation of Invoice in Accounts Receivable Module)VIII.Autolockbox ( Appling Receipts to Invoices In AR)IX. Transfer to General Ledger ( Populates GL interface tables)X. Journal Import ( Populates GL base tables)XI. Posting ( Account Balances Updated).
5. What are the Process Constraints?A. Process Constraints prevent users from adding updating, deleting, splitting lines and canceling order or return information beyond certain points in the order cycle. Oracle has provided certain process constraints which prevent data integrity violations.Process constraints are defined for entities and attributes. Entities include regions on the sales order window such as order, line, order price adjustments, line price adjustments, order sales credits and line sales credits. Attributes include individual fields (of a particular entity) such as warehouse, shit to location, or agreement.
6. What are Validation Templates? A) Validation Templates are used to define the validation conditions in process constraints. A validation template names a conditions and defines the semantic of how to validate that condition. These are used in processing constraints framework to specify the constraining conditions for a given constraint. These conditions are based on1 Where the entity is in its work flow.2 The state of attributes on an entity.3 Any other validation condition that cannot be modeled using the above condition.
7. What are different types of Holds?1 GSA(General Services Administration) Violation Hold(Ensures that specific customers always get better pricing for example Govt. Customers)2 Credit Checking Hold( Used for credit checking feature Ex: Credit Limit)3 Configurator Validation Hold ( Cause: If we invalidate a configuration after booking)
8. What is Document Sequence?A) Document sequence is defined to automatically generate numbers for your orders or returns as you enter them. Single / multiple document sequences can be defined for different order types.Document sequences can be defined as three types Automatic (Does not ensure that the numbers are contiguous), Gapless (Ensures that the numbering is contiguous), Manual Numbering. Order Management validates that the number specified is unique for order type.
9. What are Defaulting Rules?A) A defaulting rule is a value that OM automatically places in an order field of the sales order window. Defaulting rules reduce the amount of information one must enter. A defaulting rule is a collection of defaulting sources for objects and their attributes.It involves the following steps1 Defaulting Conditions - Conditions for Defaulting2 Sequence – Priority for search3 Source – Entity ,Attribute, Value4 Defaulting source/Value
10. When an order cannot be cancelled?A) An order cannot be cancelled if,1 It has been closed2 It has already been cancelled3 A work order is open for an ATO line4 Any part of the line has been shipped or invoiced5 Any return line has been returned or credited.
11. When an order cannot be deleted?A) you cannot delete an order line until there is a need for recording reason.
12. What is order type?A) An order type is the classification of order. It controls the order work flow activity, order number sequence, credit check point and transaction type. Order Type is associated to a work flow process which drives the processing of the order.
13. What are primary and secondary price lists?A) Every order is associated to a price list as each item on the order ought to have a price. A price list is contains basic list information and one or more pricing lines, pricing attributes, qualifiers, and secondary price lists. The price list that is primarily associated to an order is termed as Primary price list.The pricing engine uses a Secondary Price list if it cannot determine the price of the item ordered in the Primary price list.
14. What is pick slip? Types?A) It is an internal shipping document that pickers use to locate items to ship for an order.1 Standard Pick Slip – Each order will have its own pick slip with in each picking batch.2 Consolidated Pickslip – Pick slip will have all the orders released in the each picking batch.
15. What is packing slip?A) It is an external shipping document that accompanies the shipment itemizing the contents of the shipment.
16. What are picking rules?A) Picking rules define the sources and prioritization of sub inventories, lots, revisions and locators when the item is pick released by order management. They are user defined set of rules to define the priorities order management must use when picking items from finished goods inventory to ship to a customer.
17. Where do you find the order status column?A) In the base tables, Order Status is maintained both at the header and line level. The field that maintains the Order status is FLOW_STATUS_CODE. This field is available in both the OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL and OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL.
18. When the order import program is run it validates and the errors occurred can be seen in?A) Responsibility: Order Management Super UserNavigation: Order, Returns > Import Orders > Corrections

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Organization Structure

Billion Motor Works (BMW)
Bangalore Plant - OU
Hyderabad Plant - OU
Chennai Plant - OU
BLR – Bangalore Inventory Org
HYD – Hyderabad Inventory Org


Managing Director (MD) – All Responsibilities
CFO (CFO) – All Responsibilities
Logistics Manager (LOMGR) –– MFG, PO, OM, INV Responsibilities
Shop Manager (SHMGR) – FG Responsibility only
PO Manager (POMGR) – PO Responsibility
Buyer (BUYER) – PO Responsibility

The word in the brackets indicates the user name.


BUYER (1,00,000 Limit) à POMGR (10,00,000 Limit) à CFO (Unlimited) à MD (Unlimited)


SHMGR (No Limit) à LOMGR (Unlimited) à CFO (Unlimited)


BMW will be the Legal Entity. This will be an Automobile manufacturing company, with plants in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai.
The Bangalore and the Hyderabad OUs will have a single IO. The RM Stores (RMS), Shopfloor (WIP) and the FG Stores (FGS) will be defined as sub-inventories. Define more sub inventories as required.
The Chennai OU will have multiple IO’s. One each for RMS (CHR), WIP (CHW) and FGS (CHF). Each of these IOs will have similar named Sub-inventories, RMS Subinventory for RMS IO and so on.
We will define a separate Item Master Organization, which will be independent of the other IO’s.
Ensure that you complete ALL the setup before you start any testing or transactions. Hence you will have to ensure that all the basic modules setup is completed before the transactions are started.
Follow similar coding convention for all masters.

Oracle Implementation Methodalagy

Application Implementation Method is a provan approach, which specifies all the activities which are required to implement oracle applications successfully.
The scope of the AIM is enterprise wide.
There are eleven processes of implementation.
1. Business Process Architecture[BP]
This phase explainsExisting business practicesCatalog change practicesLeading practicesFuture practices
2. Business Requirement Definition[RD]
This phase explains about theBase line questionnaire andThe gathering of information.
3. Business Requirement Mapping[BR]
In this phase we can match all the requirements of business with the standard functionality of the oracle applications.
If all the requirements match with oracle standard (with out customization) functionality then, it is called as vanilla implementation).
4. Application and Technical Architecture [TA]
Explains the infrastructure requirements to implement oracle applications.For example:desktopssoftwarehardwarepeople...etc
5. Build and Module Design[MD]
In this phase concentrate on developing the new functionality which is required by the client.This is called customization.In this phase explains how to design a forms, database and reports...
6. Data Conversion:[CV]
Is the process of converting or transferring the data from legacy system to oracle applications? This is called as data migration.Ex: transferring the closing balances of the previous year as an opening balances to next year.
7. Documentation:[DO]In this phase we have to prepare module wise user guides and implementation manuals which helps in the implementation.
8. Business System Testing:[TE]
A process of validating the setup’s and the functionality by a tester to certify its status is allied business system testing. It is done by a functional consultant.
9. Performance Testing:[PT]
Performance testing means evaluation of transaction saving time, transaction retrieval times. It is done by a technical team.
10; Adoption and Learning.[AP]
This phase explains about the removal of the legacy system of the client. The entire user should be trained with new oracle applications. In this phase we have to prepare user manuals.
11. Production Migration[PM]
A process of decommissioning of legacy system and the usage of new oracle application system begins in this phase.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Order to Cash Lifecycle Overview
Overview of Oracle Order Management
Inventory Concepts, defining items & attributes
Order Management setups
Entering Sales Orders
Creating Blanket Sales Agreements
Creating Internal Orders
Creating Drop Shipments and Back-to-Back Orders
Scheduling Orders
Booking and Copying Orders
Entering customer account information
Creating customer profile classes and assign them to customer accounts
Setting up for credit management
Pricing and Availability
Order Organizer
Managing Approvals
Managing Holds
Managing Credit Checking
Canceling and Closing Orders
Purging Orders
Overview of Pricing Concepts & Integration
Price Lists & Pricing Agreements
Formulas, Qualifiers and Modifiers
Contexts and Attributes
Freight and Special Charges
Basic vs. Advanced Pricing
Overview of Oracle Shipping Execution
Pick Release Process
Ship Confirm Process
Deliveries and Delivery Lines
Shipping Parameters
Pick Release Rules
Freight Carriers
Profile Options
Overview of standard reports

Order Management Profile Options

1. AR: Use Invoice Accounting for Credit Memos

2. BOM: Check for Duplicate Configuration

3. BOM: Component Item Sequence Increment

4. BOM: Configurator URL of UI Manager

5. BOM: Default Bill of Material Levels

6. Journals: Display Inverse Rate

7. OM: Administer Public Queries

8. OM: Apply Automatic Attachments

9. OM: Autoschedule

10. OM: Auto Push Group Date

11. OM: Charging Privilege

12. OM: Context Responsibility for Upgraded Orders

13. OM: Credit Card Privileges

14. OM: Credit Memo Transaction Type

15. OM: Cust Item Shows Matches

16. OM: Debug Level

17. OM: Discounting Privileges

18. OM: Estimated Authorization Validity Period

19. OM: GSA Discount Violation Action

20. OM: Included Item FreezeMethod

21. OM: Invoice Numbering Freeze Method

22. OM: Invoice Source

23. OM: Invoice Transaction Type

24. OM: Item Flexfield

25. OM: Negative Pricing

26. OM: Non-Delivery Invoice Source

27. OM: Notification Approver

28. OM: Order Purge per Commit

29. OM: Over Return Tolerance

30. OM: Over Shipment Tolerance

31. OM: Over Shipment Invoice Basis

32. OM: Payment Method for Transactions

33. OM: Reservation Time Fence

34. OM: Return Item Mismatch Action

35. OM: Return Unfulfilled Reference Line Action

36. OM: Risk Factor Threshold for Electronic Payments

37. OM: Schedule Line on Hold

38. OM: Show Discount Details on Invoice

39. OM: Show Line Details

40. OM: Source Code

41. OM: Use Configurator

42. OM: Under Return Tolerance

43. OM: Under Shipment Tolerance

44. QP: Accrual UOM Class

45. QP: Blind Discount Option

46. QP: Bypass the Pricing Engine

47. QP: Item Validation Organization

48. QP: Line Volume UOM Code

49. QP: Line Weight UOM Code

50. QP: Negative Pricing

51. QP: Source System Code

52. QP: Unit Price Precision Type

53. QP: Verify GSA

54. Tax: Allow Ad Hoc Tax Changes

55. Tax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions

56. Tax: Allow Override of Tax Code

57. Tax: Calculate Tax on Credit Memos

58. Tax: Inventory Item for Freight

59. Tax: Invoice Freight as Revenue

60. Tax: Use Tax Vendor

Order Management Setup Checklist

1>Define Set of Books
2>Define Flexfields
3>Multiple Organization
4>Inventory Organizations
5>Profile Options
10>Quick Codes
12>Document Sequence
13>Order Import Sources
14>Units of Measure
15>Item Information
18>Pricing Formulas
19>Price Lists
20>Customer Class
22>Item Cross-Reference
25>Transaction Types
26>Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
27>Modifier and Freight Charges
28>Processing Constraints
29>Defaulting Rules
30>Credit Checking
33>Shipping Setup

Oracle Configurator

AIM Documents:


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Application Object Library

1.Where do concurrent request log files and output files go?
The concurrent manager first looks for the environment variable $APPLCSF
If this is set, it creates a path using two other environment variables:
It places log files in $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG
Output files go in $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT
So for example, if you have this environment set:
$APPLCSF = /u01/appl/common
$APPLLOG = log
$APPLOUT = out
The concurrent manager will place log files in /u01/appl/common/log, and
output files in /u01/appl/common/out
Note that $APPLCSF must be a full, absolute path, and the other two are
directory names.
If $APPLCSF is not set, it places the files under the product top of the application associated with the request. So for example, a PO report would go under $PO_TOP/$APPLLOG and $PO_TOP/$APPLOUT
Logfiles go to: /u01/appl/po/9.0/log
Output files to: /u01/appl/po/9.0/out
Of course, all these directories must exist and have the correct permissions.
Note that all concurrent requests produce a log file, but not necessarily an output file.


from fnd_concurrent_requests
2.What are the logfile and output file naming conventions?

Logfiles: l.req
Output files: If $APPCPNAM is not set: .

Where: = The request id of the concurrent request
And: = The id of the user that submitted the request

Log file get following name by default: lRequest_id.req

and Output file get following name by default : oRequest_id.out

Output files are stored at $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT

and Log files are stored at $APPLCSF/log

These paths may vary depending on the setups that sys admins perform at the time of Oracle Apps installation
3.How do I check if Multi-org is installed?

SELECT multi_org_flag FROM fnd_product_groups;


If MULTI_ORG_FLAG is set to 'Y', Then its Multi Org.

run adadmin, if you see the Multi-org convertion option, then you are not on Multi-org yet. If you can not see it, then you are.

4.How do I find out what the currently installed release of Applications is?

SELECT release_name FROM fnd_product_groups

We can also find out through Help > About Oracle Applications


5.How do I find the name of a form?

GUI: Use Help->About Oracle Applications
Scroll down to find the form name
Character: Use Help->Version

GUI: Use Help->About Oracle Applications
Scroll down to find the form name in Current Form

6.How do I lookup ORA errors? (and TNS errors)

Use: oerr ora XXXX
or: oerr tns XXXX
where XXXX is the error number
(This also supports a number of other error types. Use the 3-letter error prefix in place of 'ora')

7.How do I generate a message file (usaeng.msb)?

Use: FNDMDCMF applsys/pwd 0 Y APP usaeng
where: applsys/pwd is the APPLSYS user and password
and APP is the short name of the application (like PO or INV)

8.How do I generate a message file (usaeng.msb)?

Use: FNDMDCMF applsys/pwd 0 Y APP usaeng
where: applsys/pwd is the APPLSYS user and password
and APP is the short name of the application (like PO or INV)

use adadmin

It can be generated through submission of Concurrent Program from Application Developer responsibility.
9.How do I submit a concurrent request from PL/SQL?

Note that this can only be called from a concurrent program See the Coding Standards for parameter details

v_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(applicationshortname,concurrentprogramshortname,description,paramers)


if v_request_id > 0 then

dbms_output.put_line('Successfully submitted')


dbms_output.put_line('Not Submitted');


FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST ( 'Application Name', 'Report Short name', '', '', FALSE, 'R', -- P_report_type '', -- P_agent_name_num '', -- P_po_num_from '', -- P_po_num_to '', -- P_release_num_from '', -- P_release_num_to '', -- P_date_from '', -- P_date_to '', -- P_approved_flag '', -- P_test_flag 'Y', -- P_print_releases '', -- P_sort_by v_user_id, -- P_user_id '2', -- P_qty_precision 'Y', -- P_fax_enable NAME_IN('FAX.FAX_FAX_NUMBER'), -- P_fax_num 'Y', -- P_CANCEL_LINE 'N', -- P_BLANKET_LINES '','','','', -- 22 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', --32 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', --42 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', --52 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', --62 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', --72 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', --82 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', --92 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');


we first need to initialise oracle applications session using fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id,responsibility_id,application_responsibility_id) and then run fnd_request.submit_request



v_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(applicationshortname,concurrentprogramshortname,description,paramers)


if v_request_id > 0 then

dbms_output.put_line('Successfully submitted')


dbms_output.put_line('Not Submitted');

If one want to submit the conc req from backend (from OS), use CONCSUB utility.



v_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(applicationshortname,concurrentprogramshortname,description,paramers)


if v_request_id > 0 then

dbms_output.put_line('Successfully submitted'V_REQUEST_ID)


dbms_output.put_line('Not Submitted');

10.How do I cancel a running concurrent request?

Navigate to the Concurrent Request Summary form
Select a request
In character, do a Quickpick on the Status column
You can select Cancel or Hold
In GUI, use the Cancel or Hold buttons
The Sysadmin responsibility can cancel or hold any running request

11.Why does Help->Tools->Examine ask for a password?

The profile option Utilities:Diagnostics is set to NO
This profile option controls whether users can use the Examine utility.
The password should be the APPS password.

Navigate to the Update System Profile Screen.

(\ navigate profile system)

- Select Level: Site

- Query up Utilities:Diagnostics in the User Profile Options Zone.

If the profile option Utilities:Diagnostics is set to NO, people with access to the Utilities Menu must enter the password for the ORACLE ID of the current responsibility to use Examine. If set to Yes, a password will not be required.

12.How do I open a form in query-only mode?

Navigate to the Form Functions form (Application->Function)
Query the particular form and add the parameter QUERY_ONLY=YES
Not all forms will accept this parameter however.

go to applcation developer responsibilitynavigation->Application/function.query the function name then goto form tab then goto parameters field then write the following code in that fieldQUERY_YES="YES"save the changes and then see the forms get affected in query only mode.
13.How do I find the version of an installed product? (such as Reports, SQL*Net etc.)

One of the easiest ways is to run the product if you can. Running Reports designer will give you the Reports version, running SQL*Plus will give you its version etc.
Another easy way is to launch the Oracle Installer and look in the installed products on the right side. It will list all the products installed with their versions.
Another way is to look at the .rgs file. This file is located in $ORACLE_HOME/orainst
On UNIX, it will be called unix.rgs. On the PC, it will be called Windows.rgs.
This file will list all the products installed and their versions. Note though that
this file is not always correct. For example, patching Reports from to will not show up in this file as the new version. Running Reports Designer is the best way of getting the correct version.
Also, on UNIX there is an executable called 'inspdver'. It is located in $ORACLE_HOME/orainst.
Running it will produce a display of all the installed products. It just pulls the information from unix.rgs, so it may show the wrong information as well.

RPM -qa grep sql . RPM -qa will list the pakages installed.
14.How do I generate one single form? (As opposed to using adadmin to generate them all)

Character mode forms: Use adfrmgen
Usage : adfrmgen filelist=
or : adfrmgen product="product shortname(s)" [filepath="dir-path/filename"]
For example :
adfrmgen filelist=filelist.txt
adfrmgen product="gl" filepath="forms/GLXSSMTY.inp" (one file)
adfrmgen product="gl" filepath="forms" (entire directory)
adfrmgen product="gl" (entire product)
adfrmgen product="fnd gl" (multiple products)
adfrmgen product="fnd gl" filepath="forms" (entire directories from multiple products)

GUI forms: use f45gen
Usage : f45gen module= userid=
output_file= module_type=form batch=yes compile_all=special

f45gen module=/u16/appl/nca/au/1.0/forms/US/FNDCPMCP.fmb userid=APPS_APPDEMO/APPS
module_type=form batch=yes compile_all=special

Note that in Release 11, adadmin will allow you to compile specific forms

15.What should I do if I am missing an executable from my APPL_TOP?

Binary executables are created with adrelink.
For example, if addmimp is missing use:
adrelink force=y ranlib=y "ad addmimp"

Simply display the error(request status ERROR) , object name and path in the logfile.

NOTE : Before submitting any request(s), required executable(s) to be trasfered(FTP) in their corresponding TOPs thru UNIX.

relink the particular module ,eg :if FNDLOAD is missing then relink FND module
16.How do i recover the responsibility in apps if it is disabled?

If your responsibility is end dated then ask the apps dba to remove the date from Effective Date (To) field.

From FND_RESPONSIBILTY table. Query the table for the reponsiblity u need.The column to query is responsiblity_key. If there is a end_date and the end_date <> SYSDATEAND FND_RESPONSIBILITY_VL.RESPONSIBILITY_ID = FND_RESPONSIBILITY.RESPONSIBILITY_ID;

update the end_date fields for your responsibilities (query by ID in the fnd_responsibility table).

Go to system administrator responsibility > Security > Responsibility > Define > Give the particular responsibility name, query on it and then see the effective dates to field. If any date is there then that repsonsibility will expire on that date and if it is null then it will not expire on any date.

Please run the following concurrent program
Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation

Here is the API script which add the System Administrator responsibility through which you add the other responsibility.

CURSOR c1_cur IS SELECT u.user_name
FROM fnd_user u
WHERE u.user_name IN ('subbarab')
AND (u.end_date IS NULL OR u.end_date = TO_DATE('31-dec-4712','dd-mon-yyyy'))
ORDER BY u.user_name;

FOR c1 IN c1_cur LOOP
fnd_user_pkg.addresp(username => c1.user_name --varchar2,
,resp_app => 'SYSADMIN' --varchar2,
,resp_key => 'SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR' --varchar2,
,security_group => 'STANDARD' --varchar2,
,description => c1.description --varchar2,
,start_date => sysdate --date,
,end_date => c1.end_date --date
dbms_output.put_line('Inserted 'c1.user_name);
dbms_output.put_line('ERROR 'c1.user_name SQLERRM);
17.How can i disabled and enabled the standard button's in apps window?
You can do this with Custom.pll and if ur using apps version greater that 11.5.9 then you can do this with form personlization too.

18.I have run a request but it is not completed. His status is (running normal) and those requests are giving after this he will be completed.So,now what steps I have to follow for the running request?

give it some more time. Did you ensure that you had run immediately checked when you submitted the report/request? If it was accidentally scheduled for a later date/time, the best thing you can do is to submit it again, with correct parameters.

sometimes the long rum willl come because of the table locks. Check is there any locks ,then remove the locks and resubmit the program.

You might have submitted the request when network traffice is peak.

So try to submitt the request when network traffice less, Suggested to submit at night time
19.How can I change in custom.pll? After changes how can I send on the server and what's effect in this condition?

1. FTP the Custom.pll from $AU_TOP/resource

2. Open the Custom.pll in Forms6i

3. Include the following code for your Form logic :


Form_Name varchar2(50) := name_in('system.current_form');

If Form_Name = 'YOUR CUSTOM FORM" then


include your logic



4. Once changes over , using the following command to generate the CUSTOM.plx

f60gen module=CUSTOM.pll userid=apps/apps@mfgdev module_type=LIBRARY

to generate the latest CUSTOM.plx and move this CUSTOM.plx to $AU_TOP/resource
20.How can i implement and manage the custom schema?
basically a schema is collection of objects(tables, views, indexes,sequences) belonging to particular user, here in case of Oracle apps every module is implemented as a user for example Order Management is implemented as a user ONT, so to create a custom schema, we need to create a user and register the user with AOL.

check this link for step by step process to create a custom module(Application) and register with oracle AOL.

21.What is '$flex$ and '$profile$, What is the use of '$flex$'?

The syntax for both is,$flex$.value set name- It is used to retrieve the value used in previous value set and generally used in Table type value set$profile$.profile option name- It is used to retrive value for that profile option

$Flex$ is used when we need to return the Flex value contained by any AOL Vlauset or AOL object .

For Ex . $Flex$. would return the value held by that valueset .

$profiles$. are used to get the values of environment variables like org_id or mfg_Organization_id etc which are related to the current apps environment.

Ex. $profiles$.org_id would return the operating unit which is active at that time for the user.

22.What is quick code? Why is it called a quick code?What is steps of defining a quick code?
quick code is that where we can hurry up the process of getting services and extended warranties quickly.

Quick Code or Lookup Code are short names given to some field values. an example is two letter codes given to Country names.
23.What is the difference between organization id and master organization id?

Master organization id is a legal entity on which yearly reporting done it is a level 2 in multi-org str and organization-id is a organization unit under master organization, it is just a sale's unit,inventory unit etc...it is on level 3 in multi org str.

In simple wordsOrg_id referes the operating unit and and organization id refers the Inventory Organization

Org id is used to pick particular organization(legal Entity)Â in multiorg implementation.

organizationid is used to pick particular inventory which are defined under itemmaster inturn which is under business group (Legal entity level).

24.What so you mean by Hierarchical and non Hierarchical security type in value set?
You define a security rule element by specifying a value range that includes both a low and high value for your segment. A security rule element applies to all segment values included in the value range you specify.

You identify each security rule element as either Include or Exclude, where Include includes all values in the specified range, and Exclude excludes all values in the specified range. Every rule must have at least one Include rule element, since a rule automatically excludes all values unless you specifically include them. Exclude rule elements override Include rule elements.

You should always include any default values you use in your segments or dependent value sets. If the default value is secured, the flexfield window erases it from the segment as the window opens, and the user must enter a value manually.

This comes into picture when security rule comes into picture.

For example Say Maintanance is the one of the accounts, in that we have cleaning, painting expenses, when we are not accesssible to main a/c (i.e maintanance) we cannot use sub a/c i.e cleaning and painting when you select Hierarchical security, when it is non-Hierarchical we can use sub a/c i.e painting, cleaning etc...

Hierarchical maodel means there is a relationship between the parent comapny and subsidaries and we have to acess the inter company transactions also.Non Hiererchical Model contains the same thing but here there is parent child have not any relationship segments/lines . if we want to apply intercompany transactions we may use these two models in valuset creation.

25.What is US directory under any TOP?
The US directory is for the US English Language.People who use French put the code in F and Arabic language code for forms and reports etc is kept in AR directory

This directory contain code related to base language which is US english

US indicates the localization done for a specific country.

US means for English Language standard.In Apps Under every module we have US folder that means we are working in english language.

Forms and reports directories contains the language directories,

Means which language apps is using, apps supports multiple languages.

US is the standard language used by Oracle.


26.How do you attach javascript to a menu ? When user clicks on a menu it should display simple message

27.What is a concurrent program and a concurrent request set ?
A concurrent program is an executable file that runs simultaneously with other concurrent programs and with online operations, fully utilizing your hardware capacity. Typically, a concurrent program is a long-running, data-intensive task, such as posting a journal or generating a report.

A concurrent request is a request that you submit to run a concurrent program as a concurrent process.

A request set is a collection of reports and/or programs that you group together. You can submit the reports and/or programs in a request set all at once using a single transaction.

Concurrent program is nothing but instance of execution file along with parameters and incompatabilities.

By using concurrent request set we can submit multiple programs at a time through srs window.

after creation of request set we can attach it to request group.

28.How can we delete a Concurrent Program which is already registered?
You can either enable or disable a concurrent program.

29.What is the role of applsys and applsyspub

All the technical products' database objects are consolidated into a single schema called Applsys

Applsyspub is used for authentication by having read only views

30.Define Shipping Parameters

What is the process of defining shipping parameters in OM

This is detail about Shipping Parameters..for OM.. The below details are breifly descripb u.. If any clarifications plz.. go to India Local Order Management>> Shipping>> Setup>> Shipping Parameters..

Weight UOM Class : VOLUME
vOLUMEN uom cLASS : volume

pERSENT Fill Basis: Quantity

Export Compliance Screening : Not Required -- as per requirement..

Release Sequence Rule : Default: Order Number
Pick Slip Grouping Rule : Default: Order Number
Print Pick slip : At the End
Number of pick slip lines: null
Default Pick release document set : create Default rule
Default Stage Subinventory: org code
Autocreate Deliveries: Check
Auto Allocate: Check
Default Stage Locator: Stock locator

Shipping Transaction: