Saturday, November 29, 2008

Organization Structure

Billion Motor Works (BMW)
Bangalore Plant - OU
Hyderabad Plant - OU
Chennai Plant - OU
BLR – Bangalore Inventory Org
HYD – Hyderabad Inventory Org


Managing Director (MD) – All Responsibilities
CFO (CFO) – All Responsibilities
Logistics Manager (LOMGR) –– MFG, PO, OM, INV Responsibilities
Shop Manager (SHMGR) – FG Responsibility only
PO Manager (POMGR) – PO Responsibility
Buyer (BUYER) – PO Responsibility

The word in the brackets indicates the user name.


BUYER (1,00,000 Limit) à POMGR (10,00,000 Limit) à CFO (Unlimited) à MD (Unlimited)


SHMGR (No Limit) à LOMGR (Unlimited) à CFO (Unlimited)


BMW will be the Legal Entity. This will be an Automobile manufacturing company, with plants in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai.
The Bangalore and the Hyderabad OUs will have a single IO. The RM Stores (RMS), Shopfloor (WIP) and the FG Stores (FGS) will be defined as sub-inventories. Define more sub inventories as required.
The Chennai OU will have multiple IO’s. One each for RMS (CHR), WIP (CHW) and FGS (CHF). Each of these IOs will have similar named Sub-inventories, RMS Subinventory for RMS IO and so on.
We will define a separate Item Master Organization, which will be independent of the other IO’s.
Ensure that you complete ALL the setup before you start any testing or transactions. Hence you will have to ensure that all the basic modules setup is completed before the transactions are started.
Follow similar coding convention for all masters.

Oracle Implementation Methodalagy

Application Implementation Method is a provan approach, which specifies all the activities which are required to implement oracle applications successfully.
The scope of the AIM is enterprise wide.
There are eleven processes of implementation.
1. Business Process Architecture[BP]
This phase explainsExisting business practicesCatalog change practicesLeading practicesFuture practices
2. Business Requirement Definition[RD]
This phase explains about theBase line questionnaire andThe gathering of information.
3. Business Requirement Mapping[BR]
In this phase we can match all the requirements of business with the standard functionality of the oracle applications.
If all the requirements match with oracle standard (with out customization) functionality then, it is called as vanilla implementation).
4. Application and Technical Architecture [TA]
Explains the infrastructure requirements to implement oracle applications.For example:desktopssoftwarehardwarepeople...etc
5. Build and Module Design[MD]
In this phase concentrate on developing the new functionality which is required by the client.This is called customization.In this phase explains how to design a forms, database and reports...
6. Data Conversion:[CV]
Is the process of converting or transferring the data from legacy system to oracle applications? This is called as data migration.Ex: transferring the closing balances of the previous year as an opening balances to next year.
7. Documentation:[DO]In this phase we have to prepare module wise user guides and implementation manuals which helps in the implementation.
8. Business System Testing:[TE]
A process of validating the setup’s and the functionality by a tester to certify its status is allied business system testing. It is done by a functional consultant.
9. Performance Testing:[PT]
Performance testing means evaluation of transaction saving time, transaction retrieval times. It is done by a technical team.
10; Adoption and Learning.[AP]
This phase explains about the removal of the legacy system of the client. The entire user should be trained with new oracle applications. In this phase we have to prepare user manuals.
11. Production Migration[PM]
A process of decommissioning of legacy system and the usage of new oracle application system begins in this phase.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Order to Cash Lifecycle Overview
Overview of Oracle Order Management
Inventory Concepts, defining items & attributes
Order Management setups
Entering Sales Orders
Creating Blanket Sales Agreements
Creating Internal Orders
Creating Drop Shipments and Back-to-Back Orders
Scheduling Orders
Booking and Copying Orders
Entering customer account information
Creating customer profile classes and assign them to customer accounts
Setting up for credit management
Pricing and Availability
Order Organizer
Managing Approvals
Managing Holds
Managing Credit Checking
Canceling and Closing Orders
Purging Orders
Overview of Pricing Concepts & Integration
Price Lists & Pricing Agreements
Formulas, Qualifiers and Modifiers
Contexts and Attributes
Freight and Special Charges
Basic vs. Advanced Pricing
Overview of Oracle Shipping Execution
Pick Release Process
Ship Confirm Process
Deliveries and Delivery Lines
Shipping Parameters
Pick Release Rules
Freight Carriers
Profile Options
Overview of standard reports

Order Management Profile Options

1. AR: Use Invoice Accounting for Credit Memos

2. BOM: Check for Duplicate Configuration

3. BOM: Component Item Sequence Increment

4. BOM: Configurator URL of UI Manager

5. BOM: Default Bill of Material Levels

6. Journals: Display Inverse Rate

7. OM: Administer Public Queries

8. OM: Apply Automatic Attachments

9. OM: Autoschedule

10. OM: Auto Push Group Date

11. OM: Charging Privilege

12. OM: Context Responsibility for Upgraded Orders

13. OM: Credit Card Privileges

14. OM: Credit Memo Transaction Type

15. OM: Cust Item Shows Matches

16. OM: Debug Level

17. OM: Discounting Privileges

18. OM: Estimated Authorization Validity Period

19. OM: GSA Discount Violation Action

20. OM: Included Item FreezeMethod

21. OM: Invoice Numbering Freeze Method

22. OM: Invoice Source

23. OM: Invoice Transaction Type

24. OM: Item Flexfield

25. OM: Negative Pricing

26. OM: Non-Delivery Invoice Source

27. OM: Notification Approver

28. OM: Order Purge per Commit

29. OM: Over Return Tolerance

30. OM: Over Shipment Tolerance

31. OM: Over Shipment Invoice Basis

32. OM: Payment Method for Transactions

33. OM: Reservation Time Fence

34. OM: Return Item Mismatch Action

35. OM: Return Unfulfilled Reference Line Action

36. OM: Risk Factor Threshold for Electronic Payments

37. OM: Schedule Line on Hold

38. OM: Show Discount Details on Invoice

39. OM: Show Line Details

40. OM: Source Code

41. OM: Use Configurator

42. OM: Under Return Tolerance

43. OM: Under Shipment Tolerance

44. QP: Accrual UOM Class

45. QP: Blind Discount Option

46. QP: Bypass the Pricing Engine

47. QP: Item Validation Organization

48. QP: Line Volume UOM Code

49. QP: Line Weight UOM Code

50. QP: Negative Pricing

51. QP: Source System Code

52. QP: Unit Price Precision Type

53. QP: Verify GSA

54. Tax: Allow Ad Hoc Tax Changes

55. Tax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions

56. Tax: Allow Override of Tax Code

57. Tax: Calculate Tax on Credit Memos

58. Tax: Inventory Item for Freight

59. Tax: Invoice Freight as Revenue

60. Tax: Use Tax Vendor

Order Management Setup Checklist

1>Define Set of Books
2>Define Flexfields
3>Multiple Organization
4>Inventory Organizations
5>Profile Options
10>Quick Codes
12>Document Sequence
13>Order Import Sources
14>Units of Measure
15>Item Information
18>Pricing Formulas
19>Price Lists
20>Customer Class
22>Item Cross-Reference
25>Transaction Types
26>Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
27>Modifier and Freight Charges
28>Processing Constraints
29>Defaulting Rules
30>Credit Checking
33>Shipping Setup

Oracle Configurator

AIM Documents: