"Configuration validation resulted in error(s)"
"Configuration of MergedProduct is incomplete. Please select all required options".
From the debug file following are the errors:EXITING OE_CONFIG_UTIL.SEND_INPUT_XMLAFTER CALLING SEND_INPUT_XML: SCALLING PARSE_OUTPUT_XMLENTERING OE_CONGIG_UTIL.PARSE_OUTPUT_XMLL_EXIT: ERRORGG3: INVALID FORMAT IN PROFILE OPTION SETTING: YES. THE CORRECT FORMAT ISPACKAGENAME.PROCEDURENAME.SPC RETURNED MESSAGE_TEXT: INVALID FORMAT IN PROFILE OPTION SETTING: YES. THE CORRECT FORMAT ISPACKAGENAME.PROCEDURENAME.SPC RETURNED MESSAGE_TYPE: ERRORCONFIG_HEADER_ID AS:CONFIG_REV_NBR AS:GETTING MESSAGES FROM CZ_CONFIG_MESSAGESEntering Message_From_CzSPC RETURNED ERROR , FAIL TRANSACTIONENTERING DELETE_CONFIG IN OE_CONFIG_PVTNOTE : NULL CONFIG_HEADER_ID/CONFIG_REV_NBR PASSEDLEAVING DELETE_CONFIG IN OE_CONFIG_PVTSPC EXIT TAG IS ERRORAFTER CALLING PARSE_XML: EECXEPTION IN CONFIGURATOR_VALIDATIONUser-Defined ExceptionRETURN STATUS AFTER VALIDATE CFGS:EEXP. ERROR IN OE_ORDER_BOOK.BOOK_ORDERIn WF save messagesENTER Save_API_MessagesL_MSG_DATA=Configuration validation resulted in error(s).L_MSG_DATA=Configuration of BOM Ball is incomplete. Please select all required options.EXIT Save_API_Messages------------------------------------------------------------------If no configrator button clicked and created order for same model it works.Also this works if order created in OM.Compared order with BOM - Model don't see any difference.You compared order and lines for both the orders the one work( without configurator)and the one doesn't works and don't see any difference.
CauseCZ: Skip Validation Procedure is set incorrectly and that caused issue.The error in the debug file is-------------------------------------------------------INVALID FORMAT IN PROFILE OPTION SETTING: YES. THE CORRECT FORMAT ISPACKAGENAME.PROCEDURENAME.SPC RETURNED MESSAGE_TEXT: INVALID FORMAT IN PROFILE OPTION SETTING: YES.THE CORRECT FORMAT ISPACKAGENAME.PROCEDURENAME.----------------------------------------------------------Which is due to wrong package for validation. If it's set to null it validates using defaultvalidation code..
The error is because you have the profile option, CZ: Skip Validation Procedure set incorrectly. If you want to use this feature, it is necessary to read the documentation, Oracle Configuration Implementation Guide - 11.5 Skipping Batch Validation and code the custom package with the procedure and set the value to PACKAGENAME.PROCEDURENAME. If you don't want to use this feature, please change the profile option to the default value( which is no value). You should NOT provide ANY value. This is not a 'yes' or 'no' profile (nor True or False). This profile is looking for a Procedure and assumes that anything entered is a procedure name.